
Tristen Terracciano

Welcome to my webpage! I graduated Stony Brook University with a degree in Computer Science in 2014. Here you can find projects I've completed or contribruted to as a programmer, as well as learn about me, my hobbies, and interests. I'm proficient in Java and Python, have experience with C, JavaScript, Verilog, C++, and MIPS Assembly, and am familiar with the Python Pandas data manipulation suite.

One of my hobbies is to build and program mechanical keyboards. The keyboard is a very simple input device, but I find it to be highly customizable and very personable. I have three (more on the way!) keyboard kits that I use as daily drivers and I am often commissioned to put together keyboards and kits to customize them to your liking. I also offer services for mechanical keyboards with a website to come soon!

An artistic hobby of mine is cosplay, in which I create a costume and portray characters, from video games, comic books, tv shows, etc. I make most of my cosplays and wear them at conventions. This hobby has taught me how to use Arduinos, how to solder, how to create circuits and about LEDs. My CS background helps me with some of these artistic projects I create since they involve Arduinos.

Working on redesigning this website to be more intuitive and modern, seems a little outdated from when I created it in 2017.